Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Step in the Write Direction--November 17, 2014--Procrastination

A Step in the Write Direction

November 17, 2014

Update: While listening to Lawrence Welk the other night, they sang the song "Let Me Be There." As I listened to the words (see below), I thought how appropriate it could be for the Lord speaking to Christians. He always wants to be there for us, even—and especially—when we fall. He just wants to be there, but we have to ask….He has truly been with our family this last week: while sharing at my bestest friend's funeral (how do you select two or three memories from 69 years?), and having our son in the hospital for two days with what they thought was a stroke (it wasn't, but he has to see a neurologist). Just like we want our children to ask us when they need something, our heavenly Father is waiting for us to ask—and He'll be there!

Thought for the Day: "I went for years not finishing anything. Because, of course, when you finish something you can be judged. I had pieces that were rewritten so many times I suspect it was just a way of avoiding sending them out" (Erica Jong, (See Writers' Tips on procrastination below.)

Song for the Day:
Wherever you go, wherever you may wander in your life
Surely you know I'll always wanna be there
Holdin' your hand and standing by to catch you when you fall
Seeing you through in everything you do
Watching you grow and going through the changes in your life
That's how I know I'll always wanna be there
Whenever you feel you need a friend to lean on here I am
Whenever you call you know I'll be there
Let me be there in your morning, let me be there in your night
Let me change whatever's wrong and make it right…
All I ask you is let me be there
 —John Rostill, John Henry, Lyrics@EMI Music Publishing
Laugh for the Day: Two elderly ladies met on the street and hugged each other excitedly in recognition. They chatted for several minutes, then one of them said, “I recognize you but for the life of me I can't recall your name. Please don’t be offended, but would you tell me your name?”

The other lady stared at her, shocked. Thinking for a minute, she answered, "How soon do you need to know?" (Thanks to my writer friend Kitty Chappell for this one.)

Writer's Tips: (another stone that needs to be rolled away—from unpublished Writers' Devotional Book).

The Stone of Procrastination

Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know
what a day may bring forth (Proverbs 27:1).

A little story made the rounds years ago. It went like this: A man dreamed that he attended a meeting of the board of directors in hell. Satan had expressed concern that business was not increasing as fast as hoped. He asked for suggestions.

One demon volunteered to go back to earth and tell people that there is no heaven. “We’ve tried that,” Satan said. “It doesn’t work.”

Another offered to convince men that there is no hell. “That won’t work either,” the devil said.

Then a clever demon in the back of the room rose. “If you let me go,” he said, “I can fill this place. I won’t tell people there is no heaven or hell. I’ll just tell them they can get right with God—tomorrow!”

Sound familiar?
“I’m going to be a writer—someday.”
“I’m going to start on my book—someday.”
“I’m going to attend a writer’s conference—someday.”

You may be writing now, but you’re not submitting your work to editors because you’re afraid of being rejected. Or you may already be writing, but only what you want to instead of what God has called you to write. One writer friend wanted to write about her missionary experiences, while God was leading her to write about the religious cult she had left. She finally obeyed, and her book has become a best-seller.

If you’re one who has been procrastinating, it’s time to stop talking and begin acting. These hints may help:
            1. Write your goals in detail.
            2. Write a target date.
            3. Make a “to do” list.
            4. Divide your goals into bite-sized pieces.

One pastor said that he has buried a lot of people with the music still in them. Don’t let the following be said of you:

            The greatest of workers, this man would have been
            The world would have known, had he ever seen
            But the fact is, he died, and he faded from view;
            And all that he left here, when his lifetime was through,
            Was a mountain of things he’d intended to do
                                                —Author unknown

 Have a good week spreading the
gospel through the printed page.

Donna Clark Goodrich

·           A Step in the Write Direction—the Complete How-to Guide for Christian Writers (with assignments throughout); original copies now on sale for half-price--$12.50, $3.17 s&h)
·          The Freedom of Letting Go (with discussion questions; can be used in S.S. class or small group); original copies without questions now on sale for half-price--$7.50, $2.69 s&h)
·          Healing in God’s Time (story of Dave Clark, songwriter of 25 songs that have gone to #1 on the charts); was $15; now $10, $2.69 s&h)
·          The Little Book of Big Laughs (105 purse/pocket-size book of clean jokes); up to 4 for same s&h--$2.32
·          Preparing Your Heart for Christmas (31 Advent Devotions)
·          Michigan and Ohio Cookbooks; half-price $5 each, plus s&h (depending on number ordered)
·          Grandmother, Mother, and Me Anthology (stories, poetry, and recipes);
·          Grandfather, Father, and Me Anthology (stories, poetry, and recipes)
·          Celebrating Christmas with…Memories, Poetry, and Good Food
(above three anthologies now half price--$12.50, $3.17 s&h)

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