Monday, August 27, 2012

A Step in the Write Direction--August 27, 2012

A Step in the Write Direction
August 27, 2012


Several months ago I submitted two gift books to a publisher: one for mothers and one on friendship. They turned them down because they had changed the length of their gift books and mine weren’t long enough. I took the chance and wrote and asked them if I doubled the size, if they would look at them again. I also asked if they were interested in one for fathers. They said yes to all three questions! So last week I worked on doubling the first two gift books and will resubmit them tomorrow.

Thought for the Day:

Flying Lesson

Come to the edge.
We might fall.
Come to the edge.
It's too high!
And they came,
And he pushed,
And they flew.
—Christopher Logue

Laugh for the Day:

A visitor at a state prison asked one of the prisoners, "What's your name?"

"9742," the prisoner replied.

"Is that your real name?"

"Naw, it's my pen name."

Time Management Hints (continued):

10. Occasionally Forget Writing

Sometimes you need to get away from writing entirely and recharge your batteries.

In one “Winnie the Pooh” comic strip, Rabbit carries a ladder past Pooh and says, “No
time for talk, Pooh! I’m busy, busy, busy fixing my roof.”

Pooh says, “My goodness, Rabbit! Don’t you ever take time out just to smell the

“By George! You're right, Pooh!” Rabbit agrees.

Later, when Piglet stops to talk, Rabbit breathlessly says, “No time for talk, Rabbit.
I’m busy, busy, busy smelling the flowers.”

Get away from the computer for a while. Read a good book. Attend a concert. Watch
a favorite TV program. Go for a walk. Take your children or grandchildren to the park
or the zoo. Browse the mall. Take time for yourself, and your writing will be better for
it. You’ll pick up a lot of new ideas as well!

Have a good week spreading the gospel through the printed page.

Donna Clark Goodrich
"A Step in the Write Direction--the Complete How-to Guide for Christian Writers"

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