7, 2013
Another week! Where do the days go? I remember when I was young my mother
told me how fast the time goes when you get older. I didn’t believe her because,
when you’re young, time seems to drag until school is out, your next birthday,
Christmas, when you get your driver’s license, when you graduate….Our
daughter and family are now back in Oklahoma; thankful for their safe
travel….And my hubby is getting over his fall, but still has a black and
blue face and a swollen eye. (Looks ready for Halloween!)…Went to a “Going
Home to Jesus” celebration yesterday for our friend’s husband. She said she
thought he has less than two weeks as he’s sleeping all the time and not
eating.….Edited a book for a writer who had it accepted by a Phoenix
publisher. I wrote him last Wednesday, offering my services as an
editor/proofreader, and am now finishing my third job for him. This is an answer
to prayer! I have one publisher for whom I proofread about 50 books a year, but
was looking for one more. This may be it!
for the Day:
I have realized that I do not have to be qualified to do what I am asked to do.
That I just have to go ahead and do it, even though I can't do it as well as I
think it ought to be done. This is one of the most liberating lessons of my life
(Madeleine L'Engel).
for the Day:
The boys had been up in the attic together helping with some cleaning. They uncovered an old manual typewriter and asked their mom, “What's this?" "Oh, that's an old typewriter," she answered. "Well, what does it do?" they queried. "I'll show you," she said and returned with a blank piece of paper. She rolled the paper into the typewriter and began striking the keys, leaving black letters of print on the page. "WOW!" they exclaimed, "That's really cool, but where do you plug it in?" "There is no plug," she answered. "It doesn't need a plug." "Then where do you put the batteries?" they persisted. "It doesn't need batteries either," she continued. "Wow! This is so cool!" they exclaimed. "Someone should have invented this a long time ago!" (from The Gospel Greats newsletter, 10/1/13).
The boys had been up in the attic together helping with some cleaning. They uncovered an old manual typewriter and asked their mom, “What's this?" "Oh, that's an old typewriter," she answered. "Well, what does it do?" they queried. "I'll show you," she said and returned with a blank piece of paper. She rolled the paper into the typewriter and began striking the keys, leaving black letters of print on the page. "WOW!" they exclaimed, "That's really cool, but where do you plug it in?" "There is no plug," she answered. "It doesn't need a plug." "Then where do you put the batteries?" they persisted. "It doesn't need batteries either," she continued. "Wow! This is so cool!" they exclaimed. "Someone should have invented this a long time ago!" (from The Gospel Greats newsletter, 10/1/13).
for the Day:
is a new weekly addition)
Brokenhearted people, I see them
ev’ry day,
And I wish that I could be the
one to take their hurt away;
But all my good intentions can’t
take away the need,
But I’ve found a Friend in
Someone—Who is all I cannot be.
People all around me, They see
the way I live,
At times it seems they’re
reaching out for love that I can’t give;
And all that I can hope for is
that somehow they will see
A love that comes from
Someone—Who is all I cannot be.
(Chorus) Jesus is all the things
that I can never be,
He is ever watching over me, and
He knows just what I need;
When I’ve fallen short of
ev’rything the world expects of me,
I’ve found a Friend in
Someone—Who is all I cannot be.
(Dave Clark, “He’s All I Cannot
Be,” © Emmanuel Music (ASCAP). All rights reserved and controlled by Ben Speer
Music. International copyright secured.)
What should be included in a query letter?
A query letter shouldn’t be more than one page, three or four paragraphs, written to a specific editor (if you
don’t know the name, call the publisher), asking if he/she would like to see
your complete manuscript. Give the following information:
you feel this book or article is needed and your market;
brief synopsis of the book or article, including the length and if it isn’t
finished, when it will be;
are you? What qualifies you to write the manuscript (writing background,
experience in a specific field, or just an interest in
tell them you’re a beginning writer, or that “God told you to write
editor gives you a go-ahead to your query, send manuscript to same editor. If
sending it via snail mail, write on envelope: “Requested material. Your letter
of ________.” Enclose a short cover
letter stating, Enclosed is manuscript titled “________________” you asked to
see in your letter of _________. If sending snail mail, enclose an
paragraph: Don’t say, “I hope you like this,” or “I hope you will publish this,”
or “I look forward to hearing from you.” They know that! Simply say, “Thank you
for your consideration.”
Have a good week spreading
through the printed page.
Clark Goodrich
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