Monday, June 9, 2014

A Step in the Write Direction--June 2, 2014--writer's devotion

A Step in the Write Direction

June 2, 2014

Update: (You can see the update on this on the June 9, 2014 blog.)

Thought for Today: Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself" (William Faulkner).

Song for Today:
Earthly pleasures vainly call me;
I would be like Jesus.
Nothing worldly shall enthrall me
I would be like Jesus.
   “I Would Be Like Jesus,” James Rowe, 1865–1933

Laugh for Today: "Why are you so sad?" a friend asked a man whose aunt had just died.  "You never appeared to care much for the poor old lady." "I didn't," admitted the man, "but I was responsible for keeping her in the mental hospital the last five years.  Now she's left me all her money and I have to prove she was of sound mind."

Writers’ Tip: (3rd week of unpublished Writers’ Devotional Book):

Why Do We Write?

I have a message from God for you (Judges 3:20).

Booker T. Washington says, concerning public speaking, “I believe that one always does himself and his audience an injustice when he speaks merely for the sake of speaking. I do not believe that one should speak unless, deep down in his heart, he feels convinced that he has a message to deliver. When one feels, from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head, that he has something to say that is going to help some individual or some cause, then let him say it.

It’s the same with writing. Wightman Weese, former Tyndale editor, said at a writer’s conference, “Too often we write merely because the screen is blank and we feel we should put something on it.”

Do we write because someone has told us we should? One girl stood up at the end of a conference and shared, “I learned this week I’m not called to write.” We all laughed, then she continued. “Many well-meaning Christian friends told me I should write, but I never felt called. I’ve always wanted to be an artist. I’m going home now to do what God has called me to do.”

We may be writing because a speaker impressed upon our minds that we should “write two hours a day” and we took that as gospel truth.
Perhaps some of us write for money. A would-be writer wrote me a letter, asking how to get started. “I want to make enough to be able to quit my job and stay home with my four children,” she told me. I advised her to keep her job for a while.

We may write because of the pride we feel seeing our name in a magazine or on the cover of a book. If that’s the only reason, watch out. Pride often leads to a fall.

We may write to taste success.  Emily Barnes writes, “Success is really not your responsibility. You’re called to do what God asks….Leave the outcome to Him!...Your job and mine is to be faithful and obedient—to God’s Word. He’ll do the rest.”

But how often do we write because, like Booker T. Washington, we are convinced we have a message to share? When we feel—from the bottom of our feet to the top of our head—that we have something to say that can help someone, that is the best reason to write.

I write because:
 Have a good week spreading the
gospel through the printed page.

Donna Clark Goodrich

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