Monday, February 24, 2014

A Step in the Write Direction--February 24, 2014--Developing characters

A Step in the Write Direction

February 24, 2013

Update: Not much to report this week. Finished the 306 page editing job; now have an assignment of 7 devotionals to complete before March 1 (which sure is coming faster than I expected, with the short month of February)…I look at our hometown paper online every day and suffer with those still experiencing snow and below-zero temperatures. But I guess you appreciate the spring more after a winter like this….Did you enjoy the Olympics? I especially liked the skiing and couples figure skating, but missed the closing ceremony. When I think how many years those athletics have worked to get to that place, it shows me that we, as writers spreading the Good News, must also do our best to reach those looking for an answer. Our pastor spoke on witnessing yesterday. One of the verses he used was “Come and see,” which reminded me of a song my nephew wrote: “Come and See…Go and Tell.” Good thought!

Thought for the Day: "God created the world out of nothing, and as long as we are nothing, He can make something out of us." Martin Luther

Laugh for the Day: One new computer user chose the password MickeyMinniePlutoHueyLouie DeweyDonald GoofySacramento.” When asked why she had such a long password, she replied, “They said it has to be at least 8 characters and one capital.”

Song for the Day:
Pressing more closely to Him who is leading,
When we are tempted to turn from the way;
Trusting the arm that is strong to defend us,
Happy, how happy, our praises each day!
            —Eliza E. Hewitt, “Stepping in the Light”

100-Plus Motivational Moments for Writers and Speakers
I bought out the inventory of this devotional book. Regular price $9.95 plus s&h; Sale price $5.00 plus $3 s&h.

Writer’s Tips:

What Do Your Characters Look Like?

*          Someone once said, “Describe your characters so vividly that you would recognize them if you met them walking down the street. As a teen, reading the Grace Livingston Hill books, I could visualize one of the characters so clearly, she reminded me a lady at our church.

*          Christian novelist Carole Gift Page shared at a workshop that she cuts out pictures of little girls and boys, teenagers, parents, grandparents; houses—inside and out; yards; automobiles; buildings in town—library, mall, etc. Then she selects those she will use in her current project and hangs those pictures on a clothesline in her office, referring to them often.  This way her main character who is blonde and five foot two doesn’t suddenly become a five foot six redhead.


*     Another author, while struggling with characterization, was looking for a job and filling out an application blank. “They sure want to know a lot about me,” she thought. Suddenly an idea came to her, and she sat down and made out an application for each of her characters: Name (different in different countries and different eras), Address (setting of story), Objective (one-sentence theme of book), Education, Job History, References (other characters in book). And, in the past, applications also asked for height and weight.


 Have a good week spreading the
gospel through the printed page.

Donna Clark Goodrich
"A Step in the Write Direction--the Complete How-to Guide for Christian Writers"

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