A Step in the Write Direction
January 27, 2014
Update: Continue
to pray with me that I can find another publisher for A Step in the Write Direction—both
the original book and the student edition. ...Celebrated our youngest
daughter’s birthday Sunday, and now—for three weeks—our children are 49, 50,
51. (Don’t know how they got that old that fast!)…Good thought from our pastor:
“My only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord has given
me.” A conference speaker told the story of a minister glancing over the
bookstand at a camp meeting. Picking up book after book, he finally said, “There’s
nothing here to help me.” The speaker then asked our group, “Has the Lord
called you to write something that
would help that minister?” What has the Lord called you to write? What is keeping you from it?
Thought for Today:
Judgment—Blessing in the Messiah’s Kingdom
shall then be revealed,
rest shall appear.
then healing shall descend in dew,
disease shall withdraw....
anxiety and anguish and lamentation pass...
talk, and contentions, and revenges...
and hatred...are removed.
Baruch 73:1-4
(Thanks to Wesley
Tracy’s “Manna Morsels” for this thought. If you would like to get his daily
1-minute devotions, email him at: drwdt@cox.net)
for Today:
A man in prison was visited by a friend.
"Have I got a proposition for you," he said. "When you finish
your sentence, there's a bank out there just waiting to be robbed. I have it
all figured out."
So the prisoner got out, contacted his
friend, they robbed the bank, and were immediately caught.
Moral of this story: Never end a sentence
with a proposition!
for Today:
Take time to be holy.
The world rushes on.
Spend much time in
secret With Jesus alone.
By looking to Jesus,
Like Him thou shalt be;
Thy friends in thy
conduct His likeness shall see.
(“Take Time to Be Holy,” William D. Longstaff)
from a reader on last week’s post:
Thank you, Donna for the
encouragement to do the small writings and not worry about the big project. I
needed that right now. I've written on assignment for 2-3 places most years
since the mid-80s, developing devotions for them. I love doing it and feel I do
touch thousands through this ministry. There are times, however, when I feel it
is too small of a ministry and want to do the bigger thing. I have a book in
the making but believe the time isn't just right and maybe the story isn't
complete yet. …Can't work much on it though I have six of the stories written.
Hubby still requires much time and mental attention. Your thoughts
encouraged me to keep on with what I'm doing.
Writer’s Tips—Why Do You Write?
Some write to satisfy an inner need.
But as a Christian, it’s more important to think how your writing can help meet
the needs of others. As you write, ask yourself: What are my readers going
through? What answers are they looking for? How can I help them? Sharing
problems you’ve experienced in your life, and showing how God has helped you
will encourage others going through something similar. There are other reasons
to write, however.
Because Writing Is Therapeutic
Have you gone, or are going, through
a rough period in your life—a divorce, a move, a broken relationship, the loss
of a family member or friend? Putting these thoughts on paper not only helps
you get through the experience, but your story, article, or poem can help
others in their struggle.
Perhaps you’ve had days when you
felt you didn’t have any friends. I experienced such a time in college and
wrote about it in a story entitled “No Need to Be Lonely” which I sold to a
teen Sunday school take-home paper.
Money problems? I wrote my first poem
at the age of 9 for my mother when I couldn’t buy her a Mother’s Day gift.
Are you hurting inside? I wrote
another poem for my father when I was 11, after he left my mother and married
another woman.
Maybe you have health problems. My
granddaughter looked forward to getting her driver’s license on her sixteenth
birthday, but shortly before that day, she began having seizures. She wrote a
story entitled “My Birthday Gift” and sold it to two teen magazines, sharing
how a particular Bible passage became her life motto and helped her through
this tough time.
(Continued next week)
Have a good week spreading the
gospel through the printed page.
Clark Goodrich
It is often in my pain, Donna, that some of the richest words arrive on paper. Thank you for this encouragement. I'm glad to know you (although I wish we had met under better conditions).