Monday, November 25, 2013

A Step in the Write Direction--November 25, 2013--Advent devotional

A Step in the Write Direction

November 25, 2013

Update: This has been a good week, rainy but good (except for those who had a problem with flooding—and people like us who have a leaky roof!)...I received a request from the publisher that they needed 104 more jokes (double the amount I sent originally) for the Little Book of Big Laughs. Luckily I had 365 to begin with, so could meet their request. I also sent three more Bible stories in poetry for the Rhyme-Time book—Abraham, Ruth, and Esther. Am now working on Isaac and Jacob. If I need one more for the Old Testament, I’ll do Jonah. Not sure yet on the publication date of this book….Prayer requests for my sister Norma who’s losing her eyesight, for my brother-in-law Bob who has lost his hearing, and for our daughter Patty who has a liver ultrasound coming up…Still trying to get the rights back on the Step in the Write Direction book. They said they’d let me know on the 21st; now they say the committee needs more time…. PLEASE send any prayer requests you have and we’ll print them in next week’s blogs. We need to support each other, not just in writing but in our personal challenges.

Thought for Today:
“I think Christians fail so often to get answers to their prayers because they do not wait long enough on God. They just drop down and say a few words, and then jump up and forget it and expect God to answer them. Such praying always reminds me of the small boy ringing his neighbor's doorbell, and then running away as fast as he can go” (E.M. Bounds).

Song for Today:
Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer.
            (“What a Friend We Have in Jesus,” Joseph M. Scriven)

Laugh for Today:
A lady was visiting a church one Sunday. The sermon seemed to go on forever, and many in the congregation fell asleep. After the service, she turned to a very sleepy-looking gentleman sitting in a nearby pew, extended her hand in greeting, and said, "Hello, I'm Gladys Dunn." Without a moment's hesitation, the man replied, "You're not the only one, ma'am. I'm glad he's done, too!"

Writer’s Tips:
(Following is Day 1 of my Advent devotional book, Preparing Your Heart for Christmas):

The Designated Gift Giver

For God so loved the world that He gave His only  begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

Although my mother didn’t have much money for Christmas shopping, she always seemed to know what gift to buy everyone—because she listened carefully all year. Her gifts ranged from a sewing box for my niece who made her own clothes, to blank tapes for my songwriting nephew, and a piano bench for my sister.

Through the years, I’ve tried to carry on her tradition, and today I’ve taken on the enjoyable task of designated gift buyer for our writers’ group. I’ll search for hours—in stores, in catalogs, and on the Internet—for just the right present for a particular person. Sometimes I buy things as much as a year early when I find the perfect gift. Then I wrap it in beautiful paper and give it to the only person that gift will fit.

I am acquainted with another Gift Giver. At the beginning of time, He looked ahead and saw millions of people who were in need of a gift. He listened to their cries, and thought, “What can I give them?” Then He said, “I know. I’ll give the best Gift possible—My Son.” So He wrapped this Gift in swaddling clothes and gave Him not to just one particular person, but to the whole world. And the neatest thing about this Gift is that it fits everyone—even me!

Lord, at this Christmas season, may I remember the Gift and the Giver. Let me love as You loved—and give as You gave.

 Have a good week spreading the
gospel through the printed page.

Donna Clark Goodrich

SALE: Books by Donna Clark Goodrich

Will take IOUs or postdated checks for up to 30 days!!
Christmas Is Coming…These Will Make Great Gifts!!

            Title of Book_________________                Regular Price             Sale Price (plus s&h)

A Step in the Write Direction, the Complete
            How-to Book for Christian Writers                   $25.00                         $15.00

A Step—Student Edition w/assignments
            throughout book                                               $17.00                         $10.00

The Freedom of Letting Go                                           $15.00                         $10.00

Healing in God’s Time—story of Dave Clark,
songwriter of 25 #1 songs                                 $15.00                         $10.00

Preparing Your Heart for Christmas—
            31 Advent devotions                                         $10.00                         $  7.00

Ohio Cookbook                                                           $10.00                         $  7.00
Michigan Cookbook                                                     $10.00                         $  7.00
Writer’s Club Booklet  (self-published)                         $15.00                         $15.00 (Sorry!)
Motivational Moments                                                  $10.00                         $  5.00
Celebrate Christmas anthology—stories,
poems, and recipes                                           $24.95                         $17.00

Grandmother/Mother anthology—stories,
            poems, and recipes                                           $24.95                         $17.00

Grandfather/Father anthology—stories,
            poems, and recipes                                           $24.95                         $17.00

Divine Healing—365 devotions for dieters                                                         $10.00
* * *

Coming in 2014: The Little Book of Big Laughs (joke book)—160 pages for only $5.95
     Rhyme-Time Bible Stories for Little Ones—12 Bible stories in poetry

Donna Goodrich,;; will send writers’ blog every Monday to your email, or go to:

Monday, November 18, 2013

A Step in the Write Direction, November 18, 2013--Are You Called to Write?

A Step in the Write Direction
November 18, 2013
Update: As I shared in the chapter “Letting Go of Guilt” (The Freedom of Letting Go), I usually don’t have a problem forgiving others for what they do. However, I had a problem forgiving myself for things I had done. I constantly played them over and over in my mind. One preacher told me that was like crucifying Christ anew. Then one Sunday morning, just a few years ago, while singing an old hymn in church—one I had sung hundreds of times before—the words of the third verse hit me like a sledgehammer and I began weeping with the freedom I finally found. I quote these words in the Song for Today, hoping they will bring freedom to someone else struggling with the same problem.
Thought for Today: Everyone has his own specific vocation mission in life; everyone must carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment. He cannot be replaced nor can his life be repeated. Thus, everyone’s task is as unique as his specific opportunity to implement it (Victor Frankl).
Laugh for Today: The struggling writer was being dunned for his rent by an impatient landlord.  "Let me tell you this," he said. "Someday people will look up at this house and say, 'Cobalt, the author, used to write there.'"  To which the landlord replied, "If you don't pay me the rent tonight, they'll be saying that tomorrow."
Song for Today:
My sin—oh, the bliss of this glorious tho’t!
My sin—not in part, but the whole
Is nailed to His cross and I bear it no more.
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
            (“It Is Well with My Soul,” Horatio G. Spafford)
Writer’s Tips:
I, therefore…beseech you to walk worthy of the calling to which you were called.
—Ephesians 4:1 (nkjv)
You know you’re called to write when:
·        You’re tired and want to go to bed but there’s something inside that must be put down on paper.
·        Unexpected bills arise and you’re offered a good or better job, but you feel God wants you to devote more time to writing.
·        You’re asked to be the neighborhood chauffeur or babysitter (because you’re home all day), or the PTA public relations chairman (because you’re a writer), and you have to say no because of your ache to write.
·        None of your family understands why you skip a favorite TV show and sit at your computer for so long, sometimes with tears in your eyes.
·        Money is tight, but you feel led to take a writing course or attend a conference.
·        Your favorite “inspired” article or book proposal is sent out 12 times and returned 12 times with only a form letter, or no letter at all, but you send it out again because you believe in it.
Then you must know that your writing is not just a hobby but a calling. You’ll know it’s not the writing that’s important, but the message you have to share. And you’ll know that it’s not you, but Christ who lives in you (Galatians 2:20).
 (Taken from the Introduction to  A Step in the Write Direction, now on sale for $15, $3 s&h. Student edition, with assignments throughout, available for $10, $3 s&h.)
Don’t forget Advent is coming up. Order the 31-devotional Preparing Your Heart for Christmas for just $7.)
 Have a good week spreading the
gospel through the printed page.
Donna Clark Goodrich
SALE: Books by Donna Clark Goodrich
Will take IOUs or postdated checks for up to 30 days!!
Christmas Is Coming…These Will Make Great Gifts!!
            Title of Book_________________                Regular Price             Sale Price (plus s&h)
A Step in the Write Direction, the Complete
            How-to Book for Christian Writers                   $25.00                         $15.00
A Step—Student Edition w/assignments
            throughout book                                                $17.00                         $10.00
The Freedom of Letting Go                                           $15.00                         $10.00
Healing in God’s Time—story of Dave Clark,
songwriter of 25 #1 songs                                 $15.00                         $10.00
Preparing Your Heart for Christmas—
            31 Advent devotions                                         $10.00                         $  7.00
Ohio Cookbook                                                             $10.00                         $  5.00
Michigan Cookbook                                                     $10.00                         $  5.00
Writer’s Club Booklet  (self-published)                       $15.00                         $15.00 (Sorry!)
Motivational Moments                                                $10.00                         $  5.00
Celebrate Christmas anthology—stories,
poems, and recipes                                           $24.95                         $15.00
Grandmother/Mother anthology—stories,
            poems, and recipes                                           $24.95                         $15.00
Divine Healing—365 devotions for dieters                                                     $10.00
* * *
Coming in 2014: The Little Book of Big Laughs (joke book)—160 pages for only $5.95
     Rhyme-Time Bible Stories for Little Ones—12 Bible stories in poetry

Monday, November 11, 2013

A Step in the Write Direction--November 11, 2013--Leads

A Step in the Write Direction
November 11, 2013
Update: It’s almost Thanksgiving, and one of the things we should be most thankful for today is FREEDOM. As my songwriting nephew wrote, “Freedom isn’t free.” Do you know a veteran, or someone who is serving today? Send them a note and say “Thank you.”…Our daughter Patty had a seizure at work last week, and we’re thankful it didn’t happen while she was driving; also that her brother was nearby and caught her so she didn’t fall….I’m thankful also today for my friend, Peggy, who lost her husband two weeks ago. She wrote a suspense/romantic novel three years ago but never marketed it. A few days ago I sent it to Kathi Macias who is now fiction editor for Elk Lake Publishing, who almost immediately sent Peggy a contract! Our critique group is ecstatic for her! Do you have something in your closet that needs to be sent to someone? Get it out today, take it to a critique group, and look for a market. The next contract might be yours!
Thought for Today:
“ It just  hurts me to think of all the young people who do not know a hymn...[or] a single scripture verse, and who have never sat next to the strong shoulder of a believing man or woman. How will they ever make it? You see, what we do here on that we are making memories.” (Fred Craddock, The Cherry Log Sermons, 59)
Laugh for Today:
A Baptist pastor from Texas, during an extended drought, visited a pastor friend in Florida.  "How are you getting along without water in your state?" the friend asked.
"Well," the pastor replied, "it's so bad that the Baptists are sprinkling, the Methodists are using a damp cloth, and the Presbyterians are taking a rain check."
Song for Today:
Lead, kindly Light, amid th’ encircling gloom, lead Thou me on!
The night is dark, and I am far from home; lead Thou me on!
Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see
The distant scene; one step enough for me.
Writer’s Tips (Samples of Good Leads):
We brought her home from the hospital. We had awaited the moment with excitement for almost nine months. We brought her into the newly remodeled room that had been a sewing room. It was freshly painted a pastel pink, and the flower print curtains just matched.
We gently laid her in her new bed and raised the sides to keep her from falling out. We looked at her pink and wrinkled face. She looked like a prune but she was ours and we loved her.
We changed her diapers. It was no fun, but we knew it would be necessary for a while. We fed her slowly, being careful not to spill food on her bib.
She was crying herself to sleep as we tiptoed out of the room. We looked at each other, put our arms around each other, and held each other close. It was a loving moment: Grandma was home from the hospital. (Paul Thornton, “Coming Full Circle,” Lutheran Standard, May 3, 1985, p. 15)
* * *
Or how about these:
“Where’s Papa going with that ax?” said Fern to her mother as they were setting the table for breakfast. (E.B. White, Charlotte’s Web)
“Nancy, you’re kidding, no statue can whisper!” (Carolyn Keene, Nancy Drew: The Whispering Statue)
The Herdmans were absolutely the worst kids in the history of the world. (Barbara Robinson, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever)
He had earned a high position in our local Hell’s Angels gang by being the toughest abuser of alcohol, drugs and the law. He was reckless, violent and pagan. He was my son, Barry. (“Dealing with a Wayward Child,” Guideposts magazine)
* * *
SALE: Books by Donna Clark Goodrich
Will take IOUs or postdated checks for up to 30 days!!
Christmas Is Coming…These Will Make Great Gifts!!
(s&h: $3 for first book; $1 for each additional book)
            Title of Book_________________                Regular Price             Sale Price (plus s&h)
A Step in the Write Direction, the Complete
            How-to Book for Christian Writers                   $25.00                         $15.00
A Step—Student Edition w/assignments
            throughout book                                                $17.00                         $10.00
The Freedom of Letting Go                                           $15.00                         $10.00
Healing in God’s Time—story of Dave Clark,
songwriter of 25 #1 songs                                 $15.00                         $10.00
Preparing Your Heart for Christmas—
            31 Advent devotions                                         $10.00                         $  7.00
Ohio Cookbook                                                             $10.00                         $  5.00
Michigan Cookbook                                                      $10.00                         $  5.00
Writer’s Club Booklet  (self-published)                        $15.00                         $15.00 (Sorry!)
Motivational Moments                                                  $10.00                         $  5.00
Celebrate Christmas anthology—stories,
poems, and recipes                                             $24.95                         $15.00
Grandmother/Mother anthology—stories,
            poems, and recipes                                             $24.95                         $15.00
Divine Healing—365 devotions for dieters                                                       $10.00
* * *
Coming in 2014: The Little Book of Big Laughs (joke book)—160 pages for only $5.95
     Rhyme-Time Bible Stories for Little Ones—12 Bible stories in poetry
Donna Goodrich,;; will send writers’ blog every Monday to your email, or go to:
* * *
 Have a good week spreading the
gospel through the printed page.
Donna Clark Goodrich
"A Step in the Write Direction--the Complete How-to Guide for Christian Writers"

Monday, November 4, 2013

A Step in the Write Direction--November 4, 2013--Idea Folders

A Step in the Write Direction
November 4, 2013
Update: Enjoyed the Arizona Christian Writers Conference last Friday and Saturday. It was fun meeting new writers and getting re-acquainted with old friends. This will be the last conference in Arizona; from now on ACW will just hold mentoring workshops around the country, but hearing from those who have attended these, they’re well worth it. Every year I give out the “Donna Goodrich award” to those who have impacted my life. This year I gave it to Reg as I know it’s been hard for him to carry on without Eleanor. I was honored to receive the “Writer of the Year” award for the third straight year. It encourages me to keep going!
Thought for Today: “He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies.”  This table is a spread—not just scrambled eggs, but Grandma’s cooking. And it’s in the presence of our enemies which could be distress, oppression, and affliction. “You treat me to a feast while my enemies watch. You give me provision in the midst of my troubles.” (Pastor Ira Brown)
Laugh for Today:
A surgeon, an engineer, and a politician were arguing about whose profession is the oldest.
            “Mine is,” said the doctor. “After all, Eve was carved out of Adam’s rib.”
            “Maybe,” said the engineer, “but the earth was created out of chaos in six days. That was obviously an engineering job.”
            “Of course, of course,” said the politician. “but who do you think created the chaos?”
Writer’s Tips:
Although many writers keep ideas and manuscripts in a computer file, I still like using file folders containing submission records for each individual manuscript. However, to be safe, I’ve copied the manuscripts themselves onto CDs and flash drives that I keep in a fireproof, waterproof safe. I also keep idea folders. When I get more than one idea on the same subject, I give it a tentative title and file it in a folder. Then when I find more material relating to that subject, or I have time to work on it, everything is in one place.
I keep files of quotations and articles, as well. I read newspapers and magazines with a pen and scissors nearby, and as soon as I clip something, I put the source and the date at the top. You can also scan these clippings onto a CD or into a computer file, but I like the idea of going through the folders looking for a specific illustration. Whenever I do this, I always get seeds for other writing ideas.
(Sorry this is so short this week—mainly because of the conference. Next week I’m going to share some tips on writing Bible studies.)
Have a good week spreading the
gospel through the printed page.
Donna Clark Goodrich