Monday, April 8, 2013

A Step in the Write Direction--April 8, 2013

A Step in the Write Direction
April 8, 2013
Remember to pray for Pastor Rick Warren and his wife Beverly who lost their 27-year-old son to suicide this past week. For those of us who have experienced this in our own families, we know the pain and the “what-ifs” this can bring….My book manuscript I mentioned in last week’s blog SOLD to Harvest House. It’s titled “A-Joke-a-Day” and will make a good gift for pastors and speakers and anyone who likes a good story….Speaking of gifts, Mother’s Day is coming up and I’m sure your mom or grandma would enjoy  Grandmother, Mother and Me—250 pages of stories, poetry, and delicious recipes. Regular price $23.95 plus s&h; SALE until Mother’s Day—$20, INCLUDING postage. ….I will be going through the grandfather/father anthology submissions this coming week and making the selections…. My husband Gary is still under the weather, the result of the C-Diff that apparently can bring on severe fatigue. (And while you’re at it, can you say a little prayer for me. I have COPD and it’s getting progressively worse. Thanks!)
Thought for the Day:
"The stone was rolled away from the door, not to permit Christ to come out, but to enable the disciples to go in." (Peter Marshall)
Laugh for the Day:
A lady walked into a party, saw an interesting man across the room and went over. She said, "You look just like my fifth husband" He smiled and asked, "How many times have you been married" She sat down beside him and replied "Four!"
Writer’s Hints:
Today we’re sharing some hints on selling reprints:
  • Unless Christian writers have written one or more books, they will receive more checks from selling reprints of previously published manuscripts. One writer who has sold more than 2,000 short stories to Sunday school take-home papers actually makes a living now selling reprints.
  • You have to be as careful in your marketing of reprints as you do when selling First Rights. For example, I received a copy of a Sunday school paper with one of my stories. In that issue they printed a story from a teenager who quit a job because of his convictions, and the editor asked if any reader had a similar story to share. Immediately I thought of a personal experience article I had sold several times before in which I turned down a job because I would have had to work Sundays. I hurriedly printed it off, addressed the envelope, and stuck it in the mailbox. But something kept nagging at me. Suddenly I realized the publisher of that particular Sunday school paper was Seventh-day Adventist. Working on Sunday would be no problem for their readers. I went out and retrieved the envelope, changed Sunday to Sabbath, wrote a short note to the editor, and sent it off. The editor bought it!
  • Be careful when sending out a previously published article with the same query letter. Make sure you have changed the name of the editor and the rest of the address. Just this past week I sent out a book manuscript using the same query letter I had used in the past. I did remember to change the publisher’s information, but when I read the letter again (always a good idea!) I realized it still had a July 2007 date!
  • The biggest thing to remember is that you do not send reprints to the same denomination that published the original article. In other words, if the first publisher was Southern Baptist, you could send reprints to an American Baptist publication, but not to another Southern Baptist magazine. The only time I was successful at this was when I sold an article to a preacher’s magazine, then later sold a reprint to the denomination’s general magazine. Later I changed the title and anecdotes and sold it to the same denomination’s teen magazine.
Have a good week spreading the gospel
through the printed page!
Donna Clark Goodrich
"A Step in the Write Direction--the Complete How-to Guide for Christian Writers"
"The Freedom of Letting Go"

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